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Take care of your priorities, mindset, and energy🌟💋

In these very uncertain and changing times, it’s difficult to really get a definite and sure answer that what you planned will be for sure. At least, that’s the most challenging obstacle for me now. I am a fire sign, a fixed element, meaning I can be fixed in my ways. I like things to go according to plan and if they don’t, well of course I will change my course of action accordingly, but nevertheless it will stumble me a bit. I am currently challenging (as well as this COVID situation) myself to go more with the flow and understand that this situation is not within my control, not something I can be truly upset about even if it disrupts my plan. At the end of the day, we need to remember that we are all currently living in a time of a global pandemic and people are suffering and dying from this disease, so be grateful everyday that you are alive, healthy, and well. 

As a university student, it can be challenging to know what to do, but I think that going through social distancing, and being home, has brought me so much growth as an individual. For instance, my university sent out an email updating all of us about our options for next semester and how we want to proceed. Although there were different reactions to this email, I looked at this as an opportunity, as a young adult, to make a decision—regardless of whether or not that choice would actually happen—and just stick with it. Make the decision that you think fits you best right now, because that’s all that is promised. If it doesn’t work out, change accordingly to plan and again, stick with it. That’s apart of being an adult.

I am very grateful and appreciative of everything that has been happening. As soon as I got out of my funk about being home, away from loved ones, and having part of my college experience skewed, I grew like a damn bud into a beautiful rose, and I’m still continuing to grow. 

The affirmations, or daily sayings, that you tell yourself and say out loud will manifest. What you spend your time and energy on, will grow. So choose positivity, chose light and chose yourself. Speak your wants into existence “I am financially sound. I am healthy. I am taking the courses I need to graduate. I am safe.” Speak what you aspire to accomplish in the future into the now. You are the gene of your own life. 

I don’t know about you guys this quarantine, but as I said, I have grown tremendously. From this quarantine, not only have I recognized my goal of looking better and lost 31 lbs going from 241 lbs to 210 (and continuing) just from consistently cutting out excessive calories in my diet, eating healthier, and working out daily, I have also tried out yoga (which I never pictured myself doing) and meditation, I have been more in touch with true and genuine friends that care about my well-being and vice-versa, I have gotten more close to my family and my home, I have been blessed with job opportunities to get me to my financial goal (and beyond) as I plan to be abroad soon, I have been outdoors more (which is usually not my forte), and I have been blessed with virtual volunteer internships and other volunteer opportunities which has brought me endless opportunities and experiences. 

I say all of this in the name to inspire you, reading this right now, whatever you got going in your life you got this! Never let your situation limit you or your goals because as I’ve been mentioning, you are in control of yourself, the actions you chose to partake in, and how you respond to things. Respond to this situation with grace and....literally grab it by the a$& and continue living, continuing setting those goals for yourself and achieving them. You can do it, it is possible. Even in these times. You got this! I believe in you, I do. 

Times are tough, our president is still really shitty (excuse my language but I found that the best word fit to describe him—seriously), and COVID is plaguing through the United States. Do your part, go vote so we never have him as president again, get tested at your local pharmacy for free even if you’re not showing symptoms, wear a damn mask whenever you are in public, social settings, and around others, wash your hands and sanitize it all the time. 

However and through these mindful acts, don’t ever let that defeat your purpose, your zest, your GRIT, to accomplish whatever it is you want to. CONTINUE LIVING YOUR LIFE (within COVID restrictions of course). 

YOU DO YOU BOO. Periodt. It’s the beginning of August, we’re in Leo season so all I got time for right now is positivity, love, and determination to live my life fiercely and fearlessly and YES that is the energy I am deciding to exert and allow to surround me in 2020 because I determine what makes my year, not something out of my control. What about you?

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