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How to Deal with Major Uncertainty?💆🏽‍♀️

You deal with what you know is certain.

Let me get back to this. First, I want to address one thing:

And I hope that didn't sound scary either. In the midst of all this chaos going on: global public health crisis, major political disputes, corrupt international relationships, economic disparities, racial inequalities specifically towards black lives and the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement--I could literally go on and on--it is so important to stay woke.

So, you read through the list of chaotic events and simply real sh*! we're all going through right? In the US, and in other countries as well. Great. Now, please listen to what I'm about to say.

Do not forget what is happening around you. Do not turn a blind eye to these very important turning of events and try hard to "get your lives back to normal". No matter how challenging these situations may be to our lives, it is vital to acknowledge these problems and continue to use your social media platform, business platform, privileges, voice and power to attack these issues. These are very real, very alive, and very prevalent issues.

Please whatever you do, stay woke.

Wake up. It is very frustrating not knowing what fall semester may bring for college students, or not knowing if you'll still be employed by the end of the month. It is very frustrating not knowing if you can financially provide for you and your family by the end of the week. It is very frustrating to forget your mask in your car, and having to run back to go get them so you can at least enter the store (and hopefully worry about not catching COVID-19). This is damn frustrating. I'm with you.

But guess what? Re-posting less on your insta/snapchat-stories, not donating or voicing out your views and ideas to bring any sort of attention to the BLM movement, about the current and foreign law enforcement in Hong Kong imposed by China, about more CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) updates on the virus, about real issues that are happening around you is wrong. Unless you have personal or religious reasons as to why you, you the person reading this, are not taking 20 seconds out of your day to read through an article or instagram post (from a reliable source/account) and at least re-post anything, literally anything that is going on right now....I don't get you.

These are real events that are happening, and talking about them more and shedding light on it is what can help eliminate these problems. We as human beings are so powerful, and we are even more-so unified. All hands on deck baby. A lot of changes have been happening lately, voice-actors and actresses stepping down from voicing over cartoon characters that did not reflect their own color, YouTubers publicly apologizing and videos getting demonetized for blackface videos or racist videos resurfacing, the newly established Breonna's (Taylor) Law, celebrities using their voice and platform for good. There has been a plethora of positive change that builds its way to the top of political and institutional reform...and it surely needs to continue! We cannot let our deeds and actions die down. We're not finished 💪🏼.

Now, back to what I was saying. You deal with what you know is certain.

You focus your energy on the things you can control in your life. Like your mindset, your attitude, outlook, and actions. Whether it be in regards to your life generally or to the variety of problems happening outside your door, or whatever you decide to channel most of your energy to currently. Right now.

I genuinely believe in the Universe, energy, and karma. What you say out loud to the universe and the amount of energy you put into something can very much happen in reality. What I mean, is that when you decide to wake up with a positive mindset of "what is one thing I can do today to get me one step closer to achieving my goals" and act on that, you've made it more possible for yourself to receive positive energy and whatever you desire. If you decide to do the latter, well you receive the latter.

  1. Set healthy short-term and long-term goals for yourself 🌟

Short-term goals could be daily or weekly. Long-term goals could be monthly and even yearly.

Don't let the situation you are in discourage you from motivating yourself to do better, to better yourself. This is a very frustrating time, and everyone is dealing with this situation differently. However, still try and set goals even if you think they are so manini (little). Start with areas in your life where you feel like you could improve on. This could include your physical health, mental health, financial health, spiritual health, religious health, familial ties, relationships, individual hobbies, sports, activities, the list goes on.

It could be the littlest improvements, or the biggest. It could be "perfecting" an already acquired skill or activity. It could be whatever healthy action you decide to focus on.

I challenge you to focus on at least one thing in your life right now that you think you could improve on, and set a short-term goal (ex. I'll make sure to meditate at least 3 times a week, on M W and F) as well as long-term (ex. I'll make sure to place self-care as priority more and participate in a virtual online group meditation three times a month for 1 year) All examples, all hypothetically speaking.

You are the master of your own destiny, you got this! Set. Your. Damn. Goals. And. Achieve. Them.


2. Spill the tea (Talk it out) with trusted loved-ones and support systems❣️

The power of communication is immaculate. Not even that, but also using your words to communicate your feelings. Not everyone is capable of recognizing their own feelings so sometimes talking it out with someone else can help that acknowledgment. Acknowledging your feelings is that next step to take, negative or positive, and just recognize however you're feeling and telling yourself that it's okay to feel that way...but don't dwell on that thought or feeling. This is when planning a lunch "date", grabbing coffee or tea, hanging out at the beach or park with a good friend or family member is so vital to your own being. To figure out solutions and "next steps" with those you trust, together. Especially if you are fostering a lot of unearthed feelings. Know that you have a great support system whoever they may be, and they are here for you.


3. I know you heard this a million times, but take care of your fine self! 💝

Self-care is not just "oh I need to throw on cucumber slices on my eyes with an avocado mask and soak in my bath" it's seriously not that cliché. Self-care could come in many forms and options. Reading a good book for 15 minutes is a form of self-care, sitting out on your balcony without your phone and sun-bathe for 20 minutes is another one, simply doing nothing but watching your best go-to Netflix series for an hour, talking on the phone with your significant other for 45 minutes, going on a 30-min. drive by yourself and blasting music shuffled from your fav Spotify playlist, etc.

Take the time to recognize how you're feeling, and "hug yourself", allow yourself to Find whatever it may be to help you just take a damn breath.

Trust me, this is probably a difficult one for me to consistently I'm a RED ( and we are motivated by power and are goal-oriented to just get sh&! done. So, basically I have a hard time "sitting around" or just simply not doing anything. But not doing anything could truly help restore that energy you need back.

These three simple but powerful steps have helped me deal with these uncertain times, and I've definitely re-gained back my confidence and control that I thought was surely lost in the midst of all the surrounding chaos.

Continue to shed light on these issues to spread awareness, re-post, donate, educate yourself and others, continue to stay woke! Wake that ʻokole (butt) up and exercise your rights as a human being to stand up.

Utilize your power and voice. You are amazing, and you can get through this. Focus on yourself and focus on what you can truly do right now. Right now.

Post idea courtesy of the infamous: Stephanie Scaglia--Instagram @stephanie.scaglia 🤩

✨Comment below some ways you've been dealing with these uncertain times and click the "heart" icon after you're done!⤵️

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