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Knowing the Unknown 🎭

It can be a frustrating feeling not knowing what the future holds.

It can also be frustrating knowing that no one else really knows (governments esp.) about re-opening international borders, who they'll allow in, how to manage the virus in the leading country with the most cases 💆🏽‍♀️ etc. It's understandable though, because regardless we all have to remember that there is a global pandemic and national emergency happening around us. This coronavirus kills, racism kills. They both spread like wildfire, infecting and killing everyone. Like the black lives movement targeted to attack and eliminate every stage of black oppression and racism, we all need to continue doing our part to mitigate contact with other people, wear our masks, sanitize and wash our hands, use napkins to open public doors, etc. This is EVERYONE"s duty and responsibility for humankind, to prevent further deaths, hospitalizations, discrimination, and racism. This is what we do know. This is within our control.

I think it's important for everyone to maintain a positive mindset about the future and whatever it brings us. Remember that you can only change what's within your control, so channel that energy throughout the duration of our limited traveling and staying home. Also take advantage of this situation to spend time with family, loved ones, grandparents, etc. You truly can never get time back, so utilize all the time you have now. Take this time to set your goals, whatever they may be. And accomplish them. This may probably be one of the best times to solely focus on you and your endeavors.

Whatever happens, I think this situation has taught me two most important things (out of many of course):

  1. To love one another and be kind

  2. Do your individual part for the better of the community

My question to you is:

What are two things this quarantine and movement taught you or is continuing to teach you?

Comment below 🌟

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