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Black Lives Matter Because All Lives Matter.

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

Black Lives Matter - Fund the Movement

All; used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. (Oxford Dictionary)

Well, maybe this definition only applies to white people and white privilege. "All" the white people in the system that was made by "All" white people.

If "All lives matter" then black lives wouldn't be continuously oppressed by a white system.

If "All lives matter" then there shouldn't be more police brutality to black people compared to white.

If "All lives matter" then Karen wouldn't question why a black person is walking through the streets of a white suburban neighborhood, and call the cops on them with no cause.

If "All lives matter" then there shouldn't be a huge disparity between police "detaining" a black person vs. a white.

If "All lives matter" then I wouldn't have to fear for my boyfriends life. And my best friend. And the clerk that rang up my groceries. And the boy who is playing ball in the park with his friend. And every single black life on this earth.

All lives matter. They do. But black lives have not mattered and continue not to be. So, if all lives matter black people shouldn't have to live in fear under their own government, own police enforcement who are supposed to PROTECT their civilians (regardless of RACE SKIN COLOR SEX GENDER). How the institution has failed us. If all lives mattered, then there should be no white privilege because the system would treat black people the same as whites, right? The system would treat white people as they would to black people and Asian people and Indian people and Hispanic people and Polynesian people right? That's only if all lives mattered.

But they don't. And that's the reality. All lives do NOT matter ESPECIALLY black people ESPECIALLY those of color. ESPECIALLY in our damn country that thrives off a falsified motto "land of the free". No one is free, only the rich and the white.

I am deeply saddened and horrified at how history is repeating itself. Have we not learned from countless amount of black lives being sold as slaves as products as machines as anything else but humans? Have we not learned that judging people SOLELY OFF THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN is so illogical, so inhumane? That it's not okay?

Obviously we haven't, and this movement should be the first thing our government is addressing right now. But, they won't. Because everything in this country boils down to what's material--capital, about financing this person and this person in order to stay in power. Who makes who the most money, how will this country remain the "world's superpower".

This country and system is such a disgrace. And I will NOT stand for it. But, I will stand with my fellow black community and those of color that have been mistreated and killed by white oppressors. By the white system.

Here are some links to support!

Instagram Accounts: (Black activists, influencers, businesses, artists, products, educators, chefs, etc.)

Courtesy of @stephanie.scaglia

@sophia_roe - Chef; daily Instagram Lives on weekdays and posts regarding the BLM

@moemotivate - Anti-racism educator

@nicoleacardoza - Anti-racism daily newsletter

@mikaaelaloach - Climate justice & Anti-racism activist

@sweetpotatosoul - Vegan chef, Author, Youtuber, Blogger

@golde - Skincare activist

@thehoneypotco - Plant-based feminine care system - Small business; Vegan, Organic, Cruelty-free handmade whipped lotion

@oatmilkarchive highlights - List of Black small Businesses, Influencers, Artists

Courtesy of @dionna.m.k

@planesandchampagne_808 - Latest post provides a list of 23 Hawaii Black Businesses

@hughleysoutherncuisine - serving Southern Classic Cuisine; Hawaii military catering business; Dine-In, Take-Out, Catering

Donate to BLM:

Black Lives Matter - Fund the Movement

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